Monday, May 26, 2014

Youth Development Camp '14

THEME: "Transformed Youth Leaders : Asset of the Community"

In accordance with Philex Mining Corporation’s core values, Community Relations Department started building a youth team who will act as their partner in campaigning responsible mining.

On July 29, 2013, the Philex and Outlying Youth Movers Society (POYMS) was established with less than fifty (50) members who are now active in the consistent delivery of social programs of the company. 

Last October 2013, the First Philex Youth Development Camp was conducted at Dalupirip, Itogon Benguet and was participated by young leaders from the different outlying sitios. 

After the said camp, there was a great effect and development as they were trained to be advocates in promoting responsible mining and personal development among them to serve as lights to the the other youths. 

As they lead themselves towards personal development, they also served as an inspiration to other youth groups which resulted in the creation of Organization of Philex-Pangbasan Scholars (OPPS) and POYMS-Ampucao.

Such youth groups will be the company’s partner in widening and deepening our information and dissemination activities through the formation of this youth camp.

It has been one of the POYMS' visions to let the transformation flow from the core group down to the members as it will be the asset that could bind them to work hand in hand for the youth in and out the five outlying barangays of Philex.

So, the second youth development camp was done last May 21-23, 2014 at Ligay, Camp 1, Tuba with the theme "Transformed Youth Leaders:Asset of the Community" wherein it was participated by 61 youths from Barangay Ansagan, Ampucao, Camp 1, Camp 3, Dalupirip and ALS Philex. 

The said event was funded by Philex Mining Corporation under the Com Rel-Information Education Campaign with the approval of Mr. Feliciano N. Diso, Jr., ComRel Officer, with the encouragement of Ms. Janice O. Terso, ComRel Supervisor and POYMS Adviser, and also with the assistance of Ms. Mila Molintas, IEC Coordinator.

The activity generally aims to let the participants internalize the sincere commitment of Philex Mining Corporation in delivering its corporate social responsibility focusing on youth development programs and to further build good relationship between the youth from the different barangays.

Find hereunder some of the photos taken during the activities we had at the Youth Development Camp '14.

Some Facilitators with the official camp tarpaulin on background.

 The participants giggles while doing the "Finding the family" activity.

The participants need to hold hands for them not be separated from their team mates.

Team Sky Blue during the Caterpillar Traverse.

Taken during the Web Game wherein the participant needs to go to the other side without touching the thread.

Mr. Eway, ALS-Philex student, a very enthusiastic and positive guy from the Blue Team, journeyed through the 10 feet mud beneath as he need not to touch the thread above him. If he accidentally touched the thread, he must go back from where he started.

The strong will-powered participants, 2 handsome medics, and the enthusiastic facilitators right after the Mud Bath activity.

Cultural Night for the participants. 
They enjoyed dancing the Bendian Dance while elders and youth leaders from Ligay, Camp 1 played gongs and solibao.

The visions of youth development cannot not be achieved without the aid of Philex Mining Corporation. It cannot also be attained without the support coming from the Local Government Unit - Barangay Level and without the support of the youth coming from the different barangays. 

And of course, the efforts, willingness and love of the officers and concerned members of Philex and Outlying Youth Movers Society will never be forgotten.

POYMS officers and members, wants to extend our love and thanks to all those who willingly supported the activities.


by: ameedapz